

All information regarding cost of entry can be found here.

All information about cost of table packages can be found here.

AV Awards 2024 timings can be found here.

Details about accommodation will be released shortly.

You will be sent an e-ticket prior to the event. If you have not received your e- ticket 3 days prior to the awards, please email our event team as soon as possible.

After booking your ticket or table package, we shall contact you to clarify any dietary requirements you or your party may have. The menu will not be accessible until the evening of the AV Awards.

If you haven’t been contacted for your dietary requirements two weeks before the event, please email our event team.

Evolution London is in the middle of a highly secure park. The park closes to the public at 20:00.

Upon leaving the awards ceremony, there will be plenty of licensed London Taxis available directly outside the main entrance to the venue. We recommend using licensed taxis rather than private hire vehicles such as Uber, as these vehicles cannot pull up directly outside the venue and have to wait in a separate parking area five minutes' walk from the venue.

Find out more >

The dress code is Black Tie.

Upon booking your table package, we shall contact you for dietary requirements. The menu will not be available until the evening of the AV Awards.


Firmly established as the unrivalled badge of excellence for the AV industry - the AV Awards is the benchmark for the highest possible professional standards and best practice, recognising the outstanding achievements of individuals, companies, projects and technology across the AV, events and production sectors.

Since our launch in 1999, the AV Awards have been renowned worldwide for promoting best practice, raising standards and rewarding excellence and innovation across our incredible industry. For that reason, we audit our judging process and categories every year using a carefully curated steering committee to ensure your entries are being properly and fairly evaluated. This way, we ensure our Awards are independent robust and transparent.

For 25 years, the AV Awards has grown in status and size, attracting 1,400+ industry professionals from all over the world. It is the biggest and most prestigious night in the AV calendar, where every part of the AV world joins together to network, share successes and, of course, to party.

2023 AV Awards took place on 3 November at Evolution, London.

12 April 2024: Early bird entry deadline. Enter now >

1 November 2024: AV Awards ceremony

Increased brand visibility

By winning an AV Award (or even just by being shortlisted) your business will be exposed to many marketing and PR opportunities. Your business will be seen as setting the industry standard for a particular category which may, in turn, lead to breaking into new (possibly previously unattainable) markets, acquiring new clients as well as earning greater respect and credibility amongst your existing customer base.

Your business also will be exposed to increased publicity (including enhanced brand recall and increased traffic to the website and social media pages), especially winning an award from and being associated with a highly respected and well established awards scheme such as the AV Awards.

To read more about the AV Awards and our history, click here.

Opportunity to assess your current business model and processes

By entering the AV Awards, you have the opportunity to assess your business from a different perspective. You will be able to evaluate whether your technology, company performance and current business practices and processes give you a competitive advantage over your competitors.

It allows you to benchmark your company against others within the industry and helps you to identify where you may need to improve and how you can go about doing so.

Increased employee motivation and morale

Entering the AV Awards, and eventually winning, allows the business to acknowledge the hard work and dedication that is exhibited by their employees to make the business triumphant. Employees will be motivated to keep working hard and contributing to the business’s success if they know that you truly value them and are rewarded for their efforts.

Why not book tickets to the AV Awards for your incredible employees as a way of celebrating and thanking them for the great work they have done? Winning the award also aids businesses in attracting and retaining top-class talent. Who wouldn’t want to work for a company that is seen as the best of the best in the industry?

Increased credibility

Winning your category at the AV Award acts as a third part endorsement for your company as it increases your credibility amongst industry peers and positions you an expert in your particular field.

Taking home the coveted title also clearly differentiates you from your competitors and gives you an edge when acquiring or retaining customers or suppliers.

Chance to treat your clients, partners and suppliers

Inviting your clients, partners and suppliers to the virtual AV Awards enables you to show them, first hand, the incredible work you have been undertaking. Even better, if you win an AV Award these influential individuals will be around to see you rise up amongst your competitors. We have no doubt that these key decision makers will be the first ones in line to recommend you to others, proving that that word-of-mouth and personal testimonials are the most effective form of marketing in the B2B space.

The AV Awards attracts 1,200+ international attendees from all areas of the industry, from integrators working on a both global and local projects, through to end-users from all markets and technology consultants. The guest list also features some of the most innovative, creative and experiential agencies along with production and rental companies of the highest calibre.

The AV Awards has grown in status and size, attracting international audiences and key decision makers from a range of markets. View past AV Awards attendees here.

When the AV Awards launched in 1999, there was no other publication or industry organisation in Europe recognising the excellence and innovation of the AV, events and production industry.

Since then the AV Awards has helped define and raise industry standards and become the most talked about event in the AV calendar across the globe.

In 2019, the AV Awards celebrated its 21st anniversary. To mark this occasion, the AV Awards moved to a new venue, got a new look and staged a high-tech production to give the best experience to our industry. Innovative technologies and creations by our sponsors helped bring it to life like never before.

We also received a record-breaking number of entries and hosted the awards for the first time at Evolution London, enjoyed by almost 1,500 key industry professionals.

Due to the global pandemic, the AV Awards transformed into a virtual-only event in 2020. Our cutting-edge online platform enabled over 2,000 attendees from around the world to come together, celebrate, and to enjoy a great show hosted by Rich Hall which included entertainment from acclaimed string quartet Siren and mindreader Alex Crow. 

The 2023 edition marked the 25th anniversary of the awards, and it was a resounding sold-out success! Attendees enjoyed special entertainment from celebrity host, Rob Beckett.

The AV Awards are open to all organisations working in the global AV industry. There’s a category for every part of the supply chain. This includes manufacturers, distributors, integrators, installers, resellers, specialist AV companies, freelancers, creative/digital agencies, production, rental and staging companies, consultants, and end users.

The 2024 AV Awards will be held at London Evolution, Queenstown Road, London SW8 4NW.

Top ten tips on entering the AV Awards 

Every year we get inundated with companies feeling disgruntled because they didn’t win in the category they entered. Don’t be. The winning company may simply have had a better product or entry. However, avoid any own goals. Many submissions are let down by the entry itself. To help you put together the perfect entry, we’ve come up with a ‘Top Ten Tips’ on entering:

1. Choose the right category

We’ve outlined who should enter what category on the website. Closely review these and determine which is most appropriate. You can enter more than one relevant category to increase your chances of being shortlist.

2. Don’t underestimate the time needed

In our experience a good award entry can take 4-6 weeks to put together. This allows enough time for initial fact-finding meetings, several versions of the entry form and presumes you’ll need a few different people to look at it and sign it off. Really the more time you have the better.

3. Follow the instructions and format correctly

The judges should sit at the head of your thinking when preparing your entry as they make the decision. Follow the instructions and recommended format, it’s there for a reason. If you don’t, you make it difficult to handle your entry, and make it annoying to the organiser and judges, and at worst find yourself ruled out for non-compliance.

4. Deadlines

The awards entry deadline is not plucked from thin air, it’s part of a schedule for a large and complex process. Hitting the deadline will make you favourites with the AV team, and will allow the judge the maximum amount of time to consider your entry.

5. Get the judges’ attention

Judges will be looking at more than one entry. Just as when you turn up to a job interview knowing the panel will be seeing others, the same is true for your entry – why should you win! The end-user judges spend days reading through entries, in their own time, so a clear, concise and formatted entry will make it obvious why it should be a winner.

6. Read and answer the questions

If there is a ‘most important’ tip, then this is it. Read the criteria for the particular category you are entering and answer the questions – like an exam. Then make sure you give direct, easy to find answers against *ALL* of the criteria.

7. Prove it!

You could tell a story to rival a Shakespeare play, but if there’s no evidence it won’t make it through to the shortlist. Think carefully about how you can prove your claims and look at both the qualitative and quantitative metrics you could use. Customer testimonials can have great impact!

8. Trust the judges

Don’t be concerned about supplying confidential information, the information in your entry will remain confidential between the AV Awards team. All of our judges are bound by Non-Disclosure Agreements.

9. Don’t do a half-hearted attempt

If it’s worth doing, do it well! Designate someone in the company to coordinate everything, follow-up on evidence and draft copy. Give them the information, resources and time they need to put together the best entry you can.

10. Final Checks

Once drafted, get a critical eye to look over it. Check spelling, grammar and punctuation and check through all supporting documentation. Cross reference and make sure every question in the criteria has been answered.

Yes. Your entry will not be shortlisted without any quantifiable information that can demonstrate your entry is based on fact. Where we ask for testimonials, you should obtain these from clients, partners and industry figures, rather than employees of your organisation.

If there is a ‘most important’ tip, then this is it.

Read the criteria for the particular category you are entering and answer the questions – as you would do in an exam.

Then make sure you give direct, easy to find answers against *ALL* of the criteria.

Yes! We do, however, advise running all content through various parts of your customers' businesses for approval, and we highly recommend you avoid marketing jargon.

No. What the judges want to see should be foremost in your mind when preparing your entry, as they make the decision whether to proceed with your entry or not. Follow the instructions and recommended format - it’s there for a reason. If you don’t, you may find you’ve been ruled out for non-compliance.

Yes. However be mindful that each category has a different set of criteria so do not copy and paste.

Entries submitted for the 2023 AV Awards cannot be entered for the 2024 Awards unless you can demonstrate that substantial developments or improvements have taken place.

Hard copies will not be accepted. All entries must be submitted via the online entry form at Entries submitted by any other means or in any other format will be disqualified.

Absolutely! There are no geographic limitations with the AV Awards. You can be based in any country and the project or event can be from anywhere around the world. 

Companies or individuals may submit entries on their own behalf, or on behalf of other individuals or organisations, including colleagues, industry peers, suppliers or clients. If submitting on someone else’s behalf, please ensure you have their permission to do so.


Each award has a specially curated judging panel, featuring a cross section of AV technology end users and industry specialists, relevant to the award category. We go to great lengths to ensure each panel has both expertise and diversity, so that every entry can be assessed accurately and from a range of viewpoints.

2024 Judges will be revealed shortly.

To ensure a rigorous, fair and transparent judging process, we undergo two judging stages:

Part 1

The judges individually study all the submissions received in their allocated categories online. Each entry will be scored against the category's set criteria. From this, the highest scoring submissions will make it through to the second stage - Judging Day.

Part 2

The judges will separate into groups based on their specific expertise. A second round of judging will then commence where each submission is discussed in depth, and each judge independently re-scores each entry. Individual scores will then be collated and, in the presence of the independent moderators, the finalists and winners for each category will be confirmed. This information is not shared with the judges.

All the information in your entry will remain confidential. All of our judges are bound by Non-Disclosure Agreements.

If you have entered any of the awards listed below and are shortlisted, you will be invited to present to the judges at the Judging Days.

  • Distributor of the Year
  • Manufacturer of the Year
  • Integrator of the Year (less than 200 employees)
  • Integrator of the Year (more than 200 employees)
  • Rental, Staging and Virtual Production Business of the Year

These presentations need to be 10 minutes in length, with an additional 10 minutes of Q&A. We expect these presentations to be attended by senior representatives of the companies or the companies involved in the award. Attendees are restricted to 2 presenters per organisation.


Yes, you will be notified if your entry is unsuccessful.

Yes. Please allow four weeks after the shortlist has been announced to query your unsuccessful entry.