Imagine not being able to move, sleep, or smile. Feeling anxious or depressed and struggling to think or remember. Your body not feeling like your own.
This is what Parkinson's can feel like. Your mum, son or friend. Anyone can get Parkinson’s, young or old.
Every hour, two more people are diagnosed. Parkinson’s is what happens when the brain cells that make dopamine start to die. There are over 40 symptoms, from tremor and pain to anxiety. Some are treatable, but the drugs can have serious side effects. It gets worse over time and there’s no cure. Yet. But we know we’re close to major breakthroughs. Funding the right research into the most promising treatments, we get closer to a cure every day. Until then, we're here for everyone affected by Parkinson’s. Fighting for fair treatment and better services. Making everyone see its real impact. We’re people with Parkinson’s, scientists and supporters, fundraisers and families, carers and clinicians, all working side by side. Impatient for change, we’re taking a stand, speaking out, chipping in, and playing our part. We are Parkinson's UK. Powered by people. Funded by you.
Together we'll find a cure.